Move Right Along: No Islamic Terrorism Here
Nanc, who has also posted on this matter related to the recent mall shootings in Salt Lake City, has brought the following letter from Dave Gaubatz to my attention:
To all,Link to Mr. Gaubatz's web site
Many people have contacted me asking how they can help fight the war on terrorism. Today I am asking for assistance. A couple of days ago 5 people were murdered in Salt Lake City, Ut (Trolley Square). The murderer was an 18 year old (Sulejman Talovic). He is originally from Bosnia and is Muslim. The FBI in a matter of hours released statements indicating there is no link to terrorism. The FBI often takes years to solve some investigations, yet suddenly they are near completion in a few hours. I routinely monitor Al Jazeera and other such websites. Indeed there are Bosnian Muslims living in Utah who provide their insight on the blogs. Many do support Al-Qaeda and the ideology.
Kirsten Hinkley was killed by Talovic. She was only 15 years old. Does she not deserve we know for 100% if her murder did indeed stem from a terrorist act? Fox news contacted me today from SLC, UT. They wanted me to speak about the FBI immediately assuming their was no terror link. I agreed. Now Fox is receiving political pressure to not pursue this. Why? Because the truth may upset the American people. There may be hostilities toward the Bosnian Muslims or other Muslims. I do not want any hostilities, I want Kirsten Hinkley & the other victims deaths to be completely investigated and for all of us to know the truth. If Talovic did have ties to terrorist groups we need to know.
Assistance requested: Contact Fox News at 801-973-5423 and request they follow through with my interview. Contact the SLC newspapers and other media. Once interviewed I will provide more reasoning's why there is a possible link to terrorism. If everyone recalls my recent article on "terrorist sleeper cells" you will understand why I ask your assistance. Malls in Utah are no safer than malls in Virginia, Kentucky, California, Michigan, or any other state. thank you, Dave Gaubatz
Does Kirsten Hinkley deserve our support? I think she does.
Dave Gaubatz
Please review these articles:
Article in American Thinker
Article in Deseret News

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