Friday, May 02, 2008

Cut Off From The World

My troubles are not over. My line is still not connected to the Internet. I merely have a few hours' access to my neighbors' computer while they're out to dinner. This computer feels strange to me, but at least I have a bit of access to news on the web.

Today, I called Cox Communications to see how fast they can get me back online. They could've gotten my up and running today — so the sales representative said. The appointment time, however, would have interfered with my co-hosting the radio show. I have opted for a Saturday appointment with Cox. Of course, a new system will mean new glitches; I may not be online immediately with Cox either.
I'm boiling over with anger at Verizon! To be without both a landline telephone and Internet access for a full four days here in the D.C. Metro area is unconscionable! Furthermore, the only way I got Verizon even to agree to come out at all before May 7 was to threaten them yesterday with both an announcement on the radio show and contacting the media. Still, Verizon informed me that the technician could not get to my house before Saturday.

Meanwhile, as I suspected, the subcontractor Al Tech has finished their work and have departed, leaving me disconnnected. Verizon had told me that my problem was "a system problem." Not so! I have since found out that I am the only house without service in my neighborhood. So much for customer service from the company which I've always used, from the first day I moved onto this property over thirty-five years ago.

I don't take kindly to lying. Perhaps I will rue the day I signed on with Cox Communications. Right now, though, the word "Verizon" is anathema to me. Never mind Verizon's commercials about reliability. That promise is merely a sales pitch.

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posted by Always On Watch @ 5/02/2008 05:42:00 PM  
