Sunday, December 14, 2008

Congressman Keith Ellison At The Haj

From the Khaleej Times, on December 10, 2008:
As Keith Ellison, the first Muslim member of the US Congress who performed Haj this week, told CNN, you forget who you are –- black or white and American or African — and where you come from when you are before God circling the Kaaba in a two-piece unstitched garment....
Ellison, who serves on the Financial Services and Judiciary Committees, forgot where he came from? He forgot he is supposed to be an American — and, having taken the oath of office, as a public servant in the United States Congress?

Oh, wait.

Ellison took the oath, at least symbolically, on the Koran. Allah and the ummah come first and foremost for him.

And what kind of sermon was preached at the Haj?
Saudi Arabia’s top cleric has used his annual sermon to Muslim pilgrims assembling for hajj to urge Muslim countries to renounce capitalism and form an Islamic economic bloc.... [shari'a law]
The United States is already embracing shari'a finance. See this essay by Alyssa A. Lappen.

Shari'a finance is the camel's nose in the tent. Money is power.

Crossposted to THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and Infidel Bloggers Alliance]

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posted by Always On Watch @ 12/14/2008 11:50:00 PM  
