Give BHO A Grade

If you were grading Barack Obama on his performance as president, what would he get?
Give BHO a grade HERE at MSNBC.
Results so far below the fold:
He gets a B
He gets a C
He gets a D
He gets an F
Give BHO a letter grade, check the tabulation, and, if you wish, offer a narrative about the grade you assigned.
(Hat tip to GM, who emailed me the link)
Some specifics from Gateway Pundit:
** Obama has already spent more money than any person in the history of the planet.Go HERE to read embedded links for the asterisked items.
** Obama and Pelosi's stimulus bill was the largest spending bill in the history of the planet.
** Obama and democrats have already saddled America's children and grand children with massive debt. Not that this bothers them.
** He's lost at least 3 administration nominees due to tax fraud.
** He's promoted a tax cheat to run the IRS and Treasury.
** He's insulted America's greatest ally, Great Britain.
** He's reneged on missile agreements with allies Poland and the Czech Republic.
** His administration has already met with the murderous Assad Regime from Syria.
** Obama signed legislation to close Gitmo.
** Obama freed a dirty bomber from Gitmo to Great Britain.
** Obama told US soldiers and marines in Afghanistan, "We're losing."
** Obama's VP told US soldiers and marines that US deaths will rise in Afghanistan.
** Obama has already discussed holding peace talks with the Taliban.
** The Obama stock market had its worst January in 113 years.
** The stock market had its worst February since 1933.
** The Dow has dropped faster under Obama than any other new president in 90 years.
** Obama's budget more than doubles the national debt held by the public, and adds more to the debt than all previous presidents -- from George Washington to George W. Bush -- combined.
** Obama managed to spend more than the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.
** Obama will quadruple the deficit this year.
** Obama passed legislation to fund foreign abortions.
** Obama passed legislation to fund embryonic stem cell research.
** Team Obama already banned offshore drilling.
** Obama scrapped oil and gas leases in Utah for energy development.
** Obama and democrats permanently banned drilling in ANWR.
Labels: poll, the Obama administration

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