Wednesday, April 07, 2010

BHO, Congregants, And Easter 2010

After reading this post, if you haven't already read the post below this one, please scroll down to "Quote of the Day."

Not much makes me gasp anymore. But this blasphemy does. And on the holiest of Christian Holy Days!

From this posting at Infidel Bloggers Alliance (citing Politico 22):
Congregation Sang "Alleluia" When Obama Entered Church for Easter Service

The first family attended Easter services Sunday at Allen Chapel, an African Methodist Episcopal church in Southeast Washington...

...[W]orshippers stood, clapped and sang "Alleilua’" [sic] when the first family entered via a side door at 11:05 a.m., according to the pool report.


[The Rev. Dr. Michael E.] Bell [pastor of the congregation] referred to the president as the "most intelligent, most anointed, most charismatic president of America," and called Mrs. Obama "his beautiful wife — TV cameras don’t do her justice."
I heartily concur with Z's comment over at Infidel Bloggers Alliance:
Oops...I thought he's not attending churches because he creates too much of a diversion? Right? Isn't that the excuse he uses so he doesn't have to attend the churches most American presidents have attended while in DC?
But, the diversion was fine as long as they were praising HIM?
Any decent man with any respect for our God would have stood up and thanked the crowd but asked them to please remember who they're there to worship and to just treat him and his family like the 'normal folks' he likes to refer to himself as.
And as Brooke pointed out in the same comments thread:
Would you not fear the Lord if that occurred in your church? Would you not RUN for the door?
The first of the Ten Commandments, a commandment cast to the side on Easter Sunday in Allan Chapel:
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
This Obama worship will come to no good end.

After reading this post, if you haven't already read the post below this one, please scroll down to "Quote of the Day."

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posted by Always On Watch @ 4/07/2010 02:00:00 PM  
