Maverick News Network
(Stuck at the top for a while)

Pamela of Atlas Shrugs invited me to contribute to this new site, launched on February 12, 2007. Pastorius of CUANAS and Infidel Bloggers Alliance recommended me.
Here is Pamela's announcement:
It's in previews now -- but this is your next destination. I am developing a new news page MNN - a news portal - a work in progress called Maverick News Network. I am hoping to bring together original, fearless voices in one easy to access spot.Maverick News Media is still a work in progress. Nevertheless, it is now my first stop of the day, even if I'm not posting on that first daily visit.
It is a compendium of new, important disparate opinion, arts, leisure, entertainment. Just finished designing its banner. It will be about pursuing the joie of life, liberty, mendacity, art, books, love, hate, valor, .....that's entertainment!
Pastorius is on board, Always on Watch, and I have my guy undercover at CAIR writing UNDERCOVER: CAIR CORNER. Check it everyday for the under reported news and punditry you'll only find by this smart, influential, funny, group of warriors.
I had my first posting up within minutes of Pamela's invitation! LOL.

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