Weekly Radio Show: June 8 (Updated!)
(Stuck toward the top for a few days. Please scroll down for other postings)

The call-in number is (646) 915-9870.
Callers welcome!
Friday, June 8:
Special show!
This week's scheduled guest for the most of the hour is Cassandra, author of Escape! From An Arab Marriage: Horror Stories of Women Who Fled From Abusive Muslim Husbands. Cassandra herself was married to a Christian Arab and to an Iranian Muslim; therefore, she has unique insights. She is presently working on publishing other books about Islam.
Some questions which Cassandra is ready to answer:
How do Muslim men treat women they are not married to?If you have questions to ask, phone in!
How do Muslim men treat women they marry?
What are some things a Muslim husband will do to his American wife?
How does a Muslim husband feel about his wife if she is a Christian?
What is a Muslim husband’s attitude about his American born children?
Why is it dangerous to become involved with Muslim men?
Why should you NEVER visit the Middle East as the wife of a Muslim?
Why are the Saudi Muslims the most dangerous men of all to know?
What will a Muslim do to his daughter when she reaches 9 years of age?
How many American women marry Muslims every year on the average?
(646) 915-9870
If you are unable to listen to the radio show live, you can listen to recordings of the radio broadcasts later by CLICKING HERE.

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