Brussels Celebration Cancelled
Via this posting by Pastorius at Infidel Bloggers Alliance, another story you haven't heard in the mainstream media:
New Year's Eve fireworks cancelled in Brussels due to terrorist threat
BRUSSELS, Belgium - No New Year's Eve fireworks in Brussels, Belgium this year.Read the rest of the news article in the Associated Press.
Officials in the European city say the traditional event has been cancelled due to an ongoing terror threat.
Authorities in the Belgian capital are on alert after 14 people were detained last week because they were suspected of plotting to break a convicted al-Qaida militant out of jail.
The city's popular downtown Christmas market will close early, at 6 p.m., on Dec. 31 rather than staying open all night, and the adjacent skating rink will shut at 8 p.m.
The inmate is a Tunisian who is a former professional soccer player....
Pastorius editorializes as follows:
Imagine all the fun people are not going to get to have. All the people who will be staying in tonight, instead of going out. All the people who won't meet. The people who won't have their lives changed.I didn't hear anything of this cancellation of the celebration in Brussels. Our media are too busy covering other stories, many of them breaking speculation about the upcoming caucuses for the 2008 election.
All because of Muslims who come to live here in our countries, even though they hate us.

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