Buy Your Health Insurance At The DMV?
Note to family and friends: Updates on Mr. AOW are being added to this post.

Oh, joy.
Can't you just see the joy on the faces of those in the DMV line?
From this posting at Weasel Zippers, citing CNS News:
The most revelatory passage in the so-called “plain English” version of the health care bill that the Senate Finance Committee approved on Tuesday (without ever drafting the actual legislative language) says that in the future Americans will be offered the convenience of getting their health insurance at the Department of Motor Vehicles.Read the entire article.
"Convenience"? The DMV is convenient?
You can't make this stuff up.
Commenters are encouraged to add their DMV-nightmare stories. I'll add mine in the comments section when I have a few spare moments.
Two postings today. Please scroll down.
Labels: Another jaw-dropper, Health care reform, Health insurance reform, Idiocy, ObamaKare

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