I Got The Interview!
On Friday, June 29, 2007, I attended a lecture given by Dr. Tawfik Hamid at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. The lecture was entitled "Radicalization of Young Muslims." Following the lecture, I got up my nerve and asked Dr. Hamid if he would be willing to be interviewed on The Gathering Storm Radio Show. He graciously agreed! The interview is HERE.
I also managed to get another interview for that same broadcast: Clare M. Lopez (Bio here) of The Intelligence Summit. Recently, Ms. Lopez, along with Ambassador Richard Carlson and Colonel Bill Cowan, taped a radio segment called "Danger Zone" for Washington, D.C.'s WMAL (630 AM). The show will air on Sunday, July 1, 2007, and should be available on line after it airs.
I will be posting a review of Dr. Hamid's lecture in a few days. His strategy to curb the violent practice of Islam centers around using a concept called "the relativity of Koranic verses."

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