Weekly Radio Show: October 19
(This posting stuck toward the top for a few days. Please scroll down)

The call-in number is (646) 915-9870.
Callers welcome!
Friday, October 19: Two interviewees, Mustang and Freedom Fighter, will be joining us for this week's show.
Our interviewee for the first half hour is my cyberfriend and mentor, Mustang of the blog Social Sense. Agree or diagree with him, you'll discover that his thought-provoking essays covering a variety of topics are among the best on the web.
Our intervieww at the bottom of the hour is Freedom Fighter of the blog Joshua Pundit: A Digest and Commentary on the War against Jihad. His blog covers current events pertaining to the so-called war against terror.
If you are unable to listen live to the radio show, you can listen to recordings of the radio broadcasts later by CLICKING HERE.

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