Thank-You Note Received

Today, via email, I received a thank-you note from The Kayla Glioblastoma Foundation. I don't often share emails with my readers, but I hope that sharing this one will encourage readers here to donate to the Kayla Glioblastoma Foundation:
My name is Michael Owens and I’m with the Kayla GBM Foundation. Sorry for the belated reply but we greatly appreciate your decision to donate to our foundation. I checked out your blog and it’s a great thing you’re doing, searching out the lesser known foundations to support and promote. We are grateful for any links to and promotion of our site so thank you again for that. I also wanted to let you know that we have not yet received your donation so I am a bit worried that it may have gotten lost in the mail. You can also donate via PayPal or try mailing us at:During the painting and redecorating of my living room, my donation got lost in a stack of papers, which I had cast aside when my outgoing-bills desk had to be moved. After a thorough search of my home office, where various items had been tossed and never returned to their proper place due to the Christmas rush, I found that check and tore it up. Today I wrote and mailed a new check. Money is tight right after Christmas, but cancer doesn't wait for holidays. Also, donating to a worthy organization is a wonderful way to begin the new year.
Kayla GBM Foundation
P.O. Box 3891
Reno, NV 89505
Thank you again for seeking us out and we’ll definitely post a “thank you” and send you a receipt for your donation once it is received. We greatly appreciate your help. Take care.
Michael Owens
Kayla GBM Foundation
P.O. Box 3891
Reno, NV 89505
Glioblastoma Multiforme is a terrible cancer of the brain. I've lost friends to GBM and know, up-close-and-personal, how difficult living with it can be.
Please consider sending a donation to The Kayla GBM Foundation. The organization does excellent and desperately needed work! A donation of any amount will be appreciated and appropriately used. If you can't afford to donate right now, HERE is another way to help:
We have a few events that we're discussing in our meetings right now:
- Rock 'n' Run This would be much like the runs put on by other cancer foundations but with our own unique Kayla K. style, of course.
- Guitar Hero Competition In creating GBM awareness we want to reach as many people as possible and what better way to do that than with a Guitar Hero competition?
We would like to reach as many different audiences as we can so we're always tossing around ideas for new, creative ways to raise money and spread GBM awareness. If you have any ideas or would like to help out with any fundraisers, please contact us.
Labels: An Army Of Bloggers, Personal

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