Saturday, January 30, 2010

Your Weekend Political Cartoon (Plus Obama Girl Video)

Wry humor from Nate Beeler (Click on the image to enlarge it):

Does America see the deficit-driven conflagration coming? Or is America lulled by the dulcet tones and empty promises of BHO's State of the Union Address?

Hat tip to Infidel Bloggers Alliance for the following video, a bit of a surprise if you haven't previously seen the clip. Even the Obama Girl is becoming disenchanted, i.e., voter remorse:

How many other BHO supporters are feeling the same way right now?

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posted by Always On Watch @ 1/30/2010 06:47:00 AM  


Friday, January 29, 2010

BHO Publicly Failed American Government Course In The SOTU Address

Note the following brief clip:

Did you catch the mistake? Read on.
As Gateway Pundit points out, BHO confused the United States Constitution with the Declaration of Independence:
[BHO] cited the US Constitution...during his State of the Union Address. Unfortunately, the quote he cited was from the Declaration of Independence… not the Constitution.
BHO stated in the SOTU Address:
We find unity in our incredible diversity, drawing on the promise enshrined in our Constitution: the notion that we are all created equal....
Compare to these words in the Declaration of Independence:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal...
None of those who contributed to or proofread the speech caught the mistake. All those lawyers at the White House, including BHO who is himself a lawyer graduated from Harvard, missed the error. Surreal!

Gateway Pundit also reminds us:
And this is the same guy who lectured the Supreme Court moments later in the same speech.
Talk about irony!

The BHO administration is incompetent. Period.

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posted by Always On Watch @ 1/29/2010 08:33:00 AM  


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Pelosi And The State Of The Union Address (With Addendum)

Did anyone else notice the facial expressions of Nancy Pelosi last night as she sat in the background during BHO's speech last night?
Was she some kind BHO groupie in Stepford wife mode?

What kind of ecstatic trance was she in, anyway?

Addendum: For any who are interested, Nice Deb has an excellent round-up of last night's SOTU Address.

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posted by Always On Watch @ 1/28/2010 08:12:00 AM  


This Week on The Gathering Storm

(This post is a weekly announcement. Please scroll down for other postings)

Listen to The Gathering Storm Radio Show, hosted by WC and Always On Watch. The show broadcasts live every Friday beginning at noon, Pacific Time.

The call-in number is (646) 915-9870.

Callers welcome!

Our scheduled guest for the full hour is UK author Mark Alexander.


Listen to the January 29, 2010 edition of The Gathering Storm Radio Show, live or later, by CLICKING HERE.

February 5: Culturist John and Z!
Febuary 12: Jack Gresham
February 19: Midnight Rider
February 26: IQ al Rassooli

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posted by Always On Watch @ 1/28/2010 04:00:00 AM  


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The WaPo Cites The BHO Administration's Negligence

The hard-copy title of one of the lead editorials in the Saturday January 23, 2009 edition of the Washington Post: "Christmas Day Negligence." The web title of that same editorial: "Did the Obama administration blow an opportunity in the Flight 253 case?"

Excerpt therefrom:
UMAR FAROUK Abdulmutallab was nabbed in Detroit on board Northwest Flight 253 after trying unsuccessfully to ignite explosives sewn into his underwear. The Obama administration had three options: It could charge him in federal court. It could detain him as an enemy belligerent. Or it could hold him for prolonged questioning and later indict him, ensuring that nothing Mr. Abdulmutallab said during questioning was used against him in court.

It is now clear that the administration did not give serious thought to anything but Door No. 1. This was myopic, irresponsible and potentially dangerous.

Whether to charge terrorism suspects or hold and interrogate them is a judgment call. We originally supported the administration's decision in the Abdulmutallab case, assuming that it had been made after due consideration. But the decision to try Mr. Abdulmutallab turns out to have resulted not from a deliberative process but as a knee-jerk default to a crime-and-punishment model.
More and more, the WaPo is openly and pointedly criticizing the BHO administration. Even the WaPo sees the incompetence of and the danger posed by the present administration.

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posted by Always On Watch @ 1/27/2010 05:00:00 AM  


Monday, January 25, 2010

Who Said It?

A little quiz to start off the week (hat tip to Infidel Bloggers Alliance):

Who issued the statement below? The answer is below the fold.
"I am for a legal ban of the burqa, which has no place in France, a country where women have been voting since 1945....The burqa is a prison for women, a tool of sexist domination and Islamist indoctrination....If they want to wear the veil, they can go to a country where it's the tradition, like Saudi Arabia."

Answer: Hassen Chalghoumi, Tunisian-born imam of a mosque in northern Paris.

Read the above-cited article HERE, worth your time.

Learn more about Hassen Chalghoumi by doing a Google search of his name.

So, what do you think? A moderate Moslem or a taqiyya talker? From the bit of research I've done on this man, I haven't found any duplicity.

Predictably, Hassen Chalghoumi receives death threats from other Moslems.

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posted by Always On Watch @ 1/25/2010 04:00:00 AM  


Friday, January 22, 2010

Your Weekend Graphic (With Essay And Video)

From Nate Beeler at the Washington Examiner:

Related reading, an excerpt from "What Will It Take?" - an essay by GM Roper - is below the fold.

What will it take for the Democrats to realize that they are in the same precarious position that the Republicans were in during the run-up to the 2006 elections?


The people have spoken (via elections and Tea Party protests) and they have spoken loud enough for the Democrats to hear. If they will.
Read GM's entire essay HERE.

Perhaps you have seen the video below. It has appeared at many web sites, particularly since Tuesday's election results in Massachusetts. For your convenience, I'm posting the video here at Always On Watch.

As significant as that that video is, the blurb for the video is of even more significance. A portion of that blurb is posted below the video.

Excerpt from the YouTube blurb for the above video:
I had stopped the comments on this video for many reasons, for example: racist rants, death threats, calling out for murder, accusing me of things that are just not true (as if you liberals somehow have ESP and know what I am all about.)...
Read the rest of the blurb HERE.

America today is divided in an ugly manner. Clearly, BHO is not the great uniter.

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posted by Always On Watch @ 1/22/2010 04:00:00 PM  


Thursday, January 21, 2010

This Week on The Gathering Storm

(This post is a weekly announcement. Please scroll down for other postings)

Listen to The Gathering Storm Radio Show, hosted by WC and Always On Watch. The show broadcasts live every Friday beginning at noon, Pacific Time.

The call-in number is (646) 915-9870.

Callers welcome!

Our scheduled guests this week are IQ al Rassoli and Mustang.


Listen to the January 22, 2010 edition of The Gathering Storm Radio Show, live or later, by CLICKING HERE.

January 29: Mark Alexander
February 5: Culturist John

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posted by Always On Watch @ 1/21/2010 04:00:00 AM  


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Martha Coakley's Defeat

No matter the spin after the fact, the Democratic Party's defeat in Massachusetts is today's news of the day.

Reflective of the significance, today's lead editorial in the Washington Post states the following:
...The hard truth for Democrats is that the Massachusetts election resonates with national polling results. Voters, not just in Massachusetts and certainly not just in the Republican Party, are worried about government spending. Budget deficits and the national debt alarm many Americans, and rightly so. Voters also are disappointed that President Obama's promises of pragmatic, bipartisan cooperation have not been fulfilled....


...[V]oters also are nervous about one-party rule, especially when it tends toward arrogance or taking them, the voters, for granted. When state Democrats rewrite and then re-rewrite their special election law in the space of five years to suit their party interests, people notice. When the federal tax code is stretched in the health-care bill to give advantages to union workers that non-union workers won't share, people notice that, too....
Read the entire essay HERE.

The loss of Kennedy's seat to a Republican in the bluest state in America hard on the heels of a Republican sweep in the Virginia elections of November 2009 exactly one year after BHO took office serves an an indication that WE THE PEOPLE are fed up with the Democratic Party's arrogant and oligarchical attitude.

BHO tried to shore up the Democratic candidate in both the Virginia and Massachusetts elections. Oops. Is BHO becoming political poison? A year ago, could any of us have imagined that Kennedy's Senate seat, long a bastion of the Democratic Party, would go to a Republican?

Oh, to be a fly on the wall in the White House this morning!

Now, on to November 2010, when WE THE PEOPLE will cast our ballots in an election that will really tell the tale.

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posted by Always On Watch @ 1/20/2010 07:25:00 AM  


Monday, January 18, 2010


The recent earthquake in Haiti has wrought havoc and tragedy. Furthermore, the heart-wrenching and graphic images coming out of the impoverished nation are unusual in several respects; specifically, many of the images we have seen disregard the privacy and dignity of the victims, as noted by this article in the Washington Post:
The usual conventions of suggesting rather than displaying trauma seem to have been punctured, at least for now. Bodies caked in dust and plaster, faces covered in blood, the dead stacked in the streets without sheets to hide them -- these are all violations of the unwritten code that death can only be seen, in the established etiquette of the mainstream media, by analogy or metaphor or discreet substitute.

On Friday, The Post ran a picture of a young girl, seen from behind, her torso crushed by the weight of fallen concrete. The New York Times ran a picture of a dead man on a makeshift stretcher, covered in the white dust that makes so many of the bodies -- living or dead -- look sculptural. The BBC's Web site featured a warning about the graphic nature of its image gallery, which included a young girl looking up imploringly at the camera while a man, half buried in rubble and his face turned away, bled profusely down his back. Old ladies are seen disheveled and almost naked; the bandages on children don't hide the gore.
The article offers some theories as to why these graphic images are being shown. You can read the entire article HERE.

FEATURED QUESTION, in two parts: (1) What is your view as to the reason(s) the media are showing such graphic photos of the devastation in Haiti? (2) Is showing such images appropriate?

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posted by Always On Watch @ 1/18/2010 06:41:00 AM  


Friday, January 15, 2010

Your Weekend Graphic (With Essay By Bosch Fawstin)

The following, all emphases mine, was written by Bosch Fawstin and posted at Infidel Bloggers Alliance. If you're unfamiliar with Bosch's work, please read his Blogger profile.

Western intellectuals and commentators refer to the enemy's ideology as:

"Islamic Fundamentalism", "Islamic Extremism", "Totalitarian Islam", "Islamofascism", "Political Islam", "Militant Islam", "Bin Ladenism", "Islamonazism", "Radical Islam", "Islamism", etc....

The enemy calls it "Islam".

Imagine, if during past wars, we used terms such as "Radical Nazism", "Extremist Shinto" and "Militant Communism". Those who use terms other than "Islam" create the impression that it's some variant of Islam that's behind the enemy that we're facing. A term such as "Militant Islam" is redundant, but our politicians continue praising Islam as if it were their own religion. Bush told us, "Islam means peace" -- after 2,996 Americans were murdered in its name. He maintained that illusion throughout his two terms, and never allowed our soldiers to defeat the enemy. And now we have Obama, who tells us, from Egypt: “I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear." Washington's defense of Islam has trumped the defense of America and this dereliction of duty could well be called Islamgate.

Islam is a political religion; the idea of a separation of Mosque and state is unheard of in the Muslim world. Islam has a doctrine of warfare, Jihad, which is fought in order to establish Islamic ("Sharia") Law, which is, by nature, totalitarian. Sharia Law calls for, among other things: the dehumanization of women; the flogging/stoning/killing of adulterers; and the killing of homosexuals, apostates and critics of Islam. All of this is part of orthodox Islam, not some "extremist" form of it. If jihadists were actually "perverting a great religion", Muslims would have been able to discredit them on Islamic grounds and they would have done so by now. The reason they can't is because jihadists are acting according to the words of Allah, the Muslim God. From the Koran:

"Slay the idolators wherever you find them..." Chapter 9, verse 5

"When you encounter the unbelievers, strike off their heads until you have made a great slaughter among them...." Ch. 47:4

Beyond the doctrine, there is the historical figure of Mohammad, who, more than anyone, defines Islam. How would you judge a man who lies, cheats, steals, rapes and murders as a way of life? This evil man is Islam's ideal man, Mohammad. Whatever he said and did is deemed moral by virtue of the fact that he said it and did it. It's no accident that the only morality that could sanction his behavior was his own. Nor is it an accident that Muslims who model themselves after him are the most violent. For the 13 years that Mohammad failed to spread Islam by non-violent means, he was not so much peaceful as he was powerless. It was only through criminal activity that he gained power and a large gang of followers. But he wanted his moral pretense, too, so he changed Islam to reflect the fact that the only way it could survive was through force. And so, acting on Allah's conveniently timed "revelation" that Islam can and should be spread by the sword, Mohammad led an army of Muslims across Arabia in the first jihad. From then on, violence became Islam's way in the world. And today, acting on Mohammad's words, "War is deceit", Muslims use earlier "peaceful" verses from the Koran as a weapon against the ignorance and good will of their victims. Those "peaceful" passages in the Koran were abrogated by later passages calling for eternal war against those who do not submit to Islam. How Mohammad spread Islam influenced the content of its doctrine and therefore tells us exactly what Islam means.

Note also that the only reason we're talking about Islam is because we've been forced to by its jihad. And where are Islam's "conscientious objectors"? Nowhere to be found, for even lax Muslims have been silent against jihad. But that doesn't stop desperate Westerners from pointing to them as representives of "Moderate Islam". Far from being a personal faith, Islam is a collectivist ideology that rejects a live-and-let-live attitude towards non-Muslims. And while the jihadists may not represent all Muslims, they do represent Islam. In the end, most Muslims have proven themselves to be mere sheep to their jihadist wolves, irrelevant as allies in this war. Recovering Muslims call the enemy's ideology "Islam", and they dismiss the idea of "Moderate Islam" as they would the idea of "Moderate Evil". When, based on his actions, Mohammad would be described today as a "Muslim Extremist", then non-violent Muslims should condemn their prophet and their religion, not those who point it out.

Islam is the enemy's ideology and evading that fact only helps its agents get away with more murder than they would otherwise. Western politicians have sold us out, so it's up to the rest of us to defend our way of life by understanding Islam and telling the truth about it in whatever way we can. If we can't even call Islam by its name, how the hell are we going to defend ourselves against its true believers? One could argue that we'd be better off if the West would just choose one of the many terms currently used for the enemy's ideology. For my part, I call the enemy what they are, "Jihadists", and our response, "The War on Jihad." But behind it all, it's Islam that makes the enemy tick.

Despite my frustrations with the refusal of many to call Islam "Islam", I know that those who speak out against Jihad put themselves in danger, and I respect their courage. But it's important that we acknowledge Islam's place in the threat we face and say so without equivocation. Not saying "Islam" helps Islam and hurts us. So let's begin calling the enemy's ideology by its name. Let's start calling Islam "Islam."
Westerners refuse to accept the reality as to the actual ideology os Islam because to do so goes against so much of what we Westerners believe and want to believe. Furthermore, the idea of a tiny majority of extremists is so very appealing.

For decades now (at least), we have been taught that all religions speak to the good in mankind.

Islam, therefore, is regarded by the vast majority of Westerners as "just another religion."

Therein lies our grave self-deception. What it will take to end that self-deception is hideous to imagine.

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posted by Always On Watch @ 1/15/2010 04:00:00 PM  


Monday, January 11, 2010

When Friends Step Up: Part Two

(Note to family and friends: The most recent update on Mr. AOW is here, updated December 12. Also see this post, part one of "When Friends Step Up").

Wednesday evening, The Merry Widow arrives here to help me with caring for Mr. AOW.

Her post about the matter is HERE. Please read that post before continuing reading below the fold so as to get an idea as to why I need help.
Caregiving a spouse and working part-time outside the home have exhausted me to the bone!

Unless you've been a caregiver for someone who is bedfast, as Mr. AOW is, you may not fully understand the all-consuming vortex of tending a loved one. Take my word for it: caregiving takes over your life in ways you never thought possible. Forget about having enough energy even to read the newspaper every day.

I'd straighten up the house in preparation for TMW's arrival. But I'm too exhausted to take on the task! I will manage to have fresh sheets and a clean bedspread on the bed and clean towels for the bathroom. That's the extent of what I'm capable of getting done right now.

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posted by Always On Watch @ 1/11/2010 03:00:00 PM  


Sunday, January 10, 2010

This Week on The Gathering Storm

(This post is a weekly announcement. Please scroll down for other postings)

Listen to The Gathering Storm Radio Show, hosted by WC and Always On Watch. The show broadcasts live every Friday beginning at noon, Pacific Time.

The call-in number is (646) 915-9870.

Callers welcome!

Our scheduled guests this week are Midnight Rider and Az Zaqqum.


Listen to the January 15, 2010 edition of The Gathering Storm Radio Show, live or later, by CLICKING HERE.

January 22: IQ al Rassoli and Mustang
January 29: Mark Alexander
February 5: Culturist John

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posted by Always On Watch @ 1/10/2010 10:08:00 AM  


Friday, January 08, 2010

Your Weekend Graphic

From this post by Reliapundit, webmaster of THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS:

Reliapundit says:
This past week has indeed seen three Dems fleeing a sinking ship. Just the beginning? We'll see. The 2010 mid-term elections will tell the tale.

With a less joyous point of view on the fleeing Dems and the 2010 elections, WC recently wrote "Don't Pop the Champagne Corks Yet," an essay on the topic. Please read the essay below the fold and weigh in with your opinion:

Fox News reports:

As top Dems abandon their posts, Republicans are cautiously upbeat about chances of taking Senate seats. Sen. Chris Dodd, who has represented Connecticut for more than three decades in Congress, announced Wednesday that he will not run for re-election in November.

Dodd joined two other prominent Democrats Wednesday in ditching plans to run for office in the fall.

So – should we be cheering?

Not necessarily. This news worries me.

The Democrats today are a new political beast willing to commit political suicide over the last year to jam their Progressive agenda down America’s throats - consequences to the Party be damned. Democratic Senators and Congressmen and Governors are seeing the hand writing on the wall and are dropping out of races in their States and Districts.

This is not necessarily good news for Republicans.

I would rather face a dangerous WOUNDED beast than a healthy unknown one - one that will try to spoof Independents again with words like moderate or conservative Democrat. And that’s what Republican contenders could very well be facing in November.

We know now, watching the arrogance of ALL Democrats in Congress, that there is no such thing as a moderate or conservative Democrat. But the new beasts running in 2010 will try to pull the wool over the voter’s eyes once again.

I hate to be a party pooper but don't pop the Champagne Corks Yet on the news that prominent Democrats are dropping like flies.

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posted by Always On Watch @ 1/08/2010 04:00:00 PM  


Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Our Health-Care System And The Nanny State

(Note to family and friends: The most recent update on Mr. AOW is here, updated December 12. Also see this post).

The essay below relates an aspect of my personal experience in dealing with our health-care system when Mr. AOW had a serious stroke last fall. He remained in medical-care facilities from September 15 to November 25.
No doubt about it, when Mr. AOW was released from the inpatient hospital stroke rehabilitation center on October 16, he was unable to be cared for at home. In addition to being completely paralyzed on the left side (limbs and trunk), his sense of balance was completely awry: he could fall forward, backward, or to either side at any given moment. His brain didn't know what direction up was! He also suffered from mental confusion. For example, he said, "I know I'm in the hospital here in Virginia, but I feel like I'm in California."

In fact, in spite of the ninety days of coverage supposedly provided by the health-insurance plan the hospital refused to keep Mr. AOW any longer than two weeks or to release him to home. Instead, the hospital and the nursing home teamed up to release him only to a skilled nursing facility, which costs a minimum of $350 per day.

At both the rehab hospital and the nursing home, both of which were in-network facilities of Mr. AOW's health-insurance plan, I was repeatedly advised to obtain Medicare and Medicaid. This mandate, in spite of the fact that Mr. AOW was not eligible for Medicare at the age of fifty-nine and has always had health insurance for, lo, three decades!

When I pointed out to the hospital and the nursing home that Mr. AOW and I had too many assets to qualify for either Medicare or Medicaid, I was advised to liquidate all those assets that Mr. AOW and I had spent a lifetime accumulating, go bankrupt once those assets were consumed by medical care, and become beneficiaries of the Nanny State. By the way, all assets were on the table, including retirement accounts (IRA's).

Looking back, I realize that both the hospital and the nursing home anticipated that Mr. AOW would always be a resident of the nursing home, never mind that he was admitted there for stroke therapy and not as a long-term resident.

After Mr. AOW made substantial progress after several weeks in the nursing home, the day arrived when I informed the health-insurance company and the nursing home that I would be bringing Mr. AOW home in a few weeks. The representative from the health-insurance company again advised me to seek out Medicaid coverage. Talk about having their needle stuck!

Once we established that Medicaid was not an option and that I was indeed determined to bring Mr. AOW home, I was threatened: "We'll have to report you to adult protective services."

So, how did I bring Mr. AOW home without getting arrested? I had in place the necessary paperwork: complete power of attorney and the advanced medical directive, both of which documents gave me conseiderable legal power. I also had on my side our family physician, who was willing to sign the release orders. This last is very important! Had I not placed Mr. AOW under the care of the family physician, the nursing-home physician could have refused to release Mr. AOW, thus forcing us into bankruptcy.

Also of help was a bit of name dropping, specifically, the name of my husband's personal attorney, famous as "the attorney of attorneys." Were he called in, he would own the nursing home by the time he was finished! At that point, the nursing home, recognizing the kind of legal proceedings they could be up against, agreed to starting the necessary paperwork for Mr. AOW's release from the nursing home. The one requirement: that Mr. AOW receive occasional visits from a registered nurse.

I have learned there is some truth in what some of my older relatives used to say: "Once I go into the hospital, I'll never come back home." Hospitals and nursing homes do have the power to hold patients and their families hostage.

Via the necessary legal documents and before illness strikes, arm yourself in advance so that you don't become a victim of the health-care system's trying to push you and your family under the care of the Nanny State. Believe me, the health-care system will try hard to push you in that direction!

And what would have happened under ObamaKare?

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posted by Always On Watch @ 1/05/2010 11:00:00 PM  


This Week On The Gathering Storm

(This post is a weekly announcement. Please scroll down for other postings)

Listen to The Gathering Storm Radio Show, hosted by WC and Always On Watch. The show broadcasts live every Friday beginning at noon, Pacific Time.

The call-in number is (646) 915-9870.

Callers welcome!

Our scheduled guest this week is Sammy Benoit, aka Yid With Lid.


Listen to the January 8, 2010 edition of The Gathering Storm Radio Show, live or later, by CLICKING HERE.

January 15: Midnight Rider and Az Zaqqum
January 22: IQ al Rassoli and Mustang
February 5: Culturist John

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posted by Always On Watch @ 1/05/2010 10:00:00 PM  


Monday, January 04, 2010

The Looming Tax Increases (Bumped)

Spotted at Feed Your ADHD....

Get ready for the tax increases in 2010 (from The Heritage Foundation):
While millions of Americans are more than ready to put 2009 behind them, they should know that Congress failed to reauthorize dozens of tax breaks for individuals and businesses before the Members scurried home for the Holidays. These “expiring provisions” affect every American in one way or another as individuals or businesses. By allowing them to lapse, Congress has enacted tax increases at time when these taxpayers can least afford it.
Among the items allowed to expire at midnight on December 31, 2009:
* Deduction of state and local general sales taxes (section 164) (Personal Tax Incentives)

* Additional standard deduction, up to $500 for individuals and $1,000 for couples, for state and local property taxes (section 63) (Personal Tax Incentives)

* Research tax credit and alternative simplified credit (section 41) (General Business Tax Incentives)

* New markets tax credit (section 45D) (Community Assistance Provisions)

* Empowerment zone incentives (sections 1391 and 1202) (Community Assistance Provisions)

* Renewal community tax incentives (sections 1400E, 1400F, 1400I, and 1400J) (Community Assistance Provisions)

* District of Columbia Investment Incentives (sections 1400, 1400A, 1400B, and 1400C) (Community Assistance Provisions)

* Net disaster loss designation and $500 limit per casualty for personal casualty losses attributed to federally declared natural disasters (section 165) (General Disaster Relief Provisions)

* Expensing for qualified disaster expenses (section 198A) (General Disaster Relief Provisions)

* Biodiesel and renewable diesel incentives (section 40A) (Energy Incentives)

* Alternative motor vehicle credit for heavy hybrids (section 30B) (Energy Incentives)

Although the House has acted and passed its version of the Tax Extenders Act of 2009, the Senate failed to act on similar legislation, as a result the following additional key tax provisions will expire:

* Increased exemption levels for the individual alternative minimum tax (section 55) and personal tax credits allowed against the AMT (section 26)

* Exclusion of unemployment compensation benefits from gross income (section 85)

* Alternative fuel mixture tax credit (section 6426(e))

* Reduced estimated tax payments for small businesses (section 6654(d)(1)(D))
BHO's campaign promises about no tax increases for most Americans were lies, and those lies are going to hit each and every one of us in the pocketbook.

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posted by Always On Watch @ 1/04/2010 02:41:00 PM  


Sunday, January 03, 2010

Annus Horribilis 2009 Grinds To An End

(Note to family and friends: The most recent update on Mr. AOW is here, updated December 12. Also see this post).

Sticky post through New Year's weekend. Please scroll down for my January 2 post.

I'll be rejoicing when the calendar turns over to 2010. I can't wait to put 2009 behind me and wish for the day this sorry year is a distant memory — both politically and personally!
In a few days, I'll be posting a personal essay about one aspect of this annus horribilis.

Maybe 2010 will be worse than 2009, but I can't imagine how. Indeed, I don't want to consider how!

In spite of all the agony of 2009, especially being thrust into the role of caregiving Mr. AOW after his stroke in September, a mere two days after the 9/12 March on Washington, as the new year arrives, Mr. AOW and I celebrate life and count the blessings we have.

Take my hard-learned advice: Don't wait for a life-changing event to count your own blessings.

Happy New Year to all who stop by here.

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posted by Always On Watch @ 1/03/2010 11:59:00 PM  


Saturday, January 02, 2010

Child Rape: Yet Another Atrocity From The Religion Of Peace

(Note to family and friends: The most recent update on Mr. AOW is here, updated December 12. Also see this post).

From this source:
Family flees 'horrific' abuse
Given asylum in Canada after couple's daughter was raped as toddler in Pakistan

A seven-year-old Pakistani girl and her family have been given asylum in Canada after reports the child was raped and left to die when her Christian father refused to convert to Islam.

The identities of Baby Neeha and her family are being protected by immigration officials, said human rights lawyer Chantal Desloges and One Free World International, a church that was instrumental in getting the family here.

The family arrived in Canada on Dec. 12 after a three-year battle by organizers to spirit them out of danger in Pakistan.

They are living in the Mississauga area and will be visited next month by Immigration Minister Jason Kenney, who was so touched by the family's plight that he doled out a ministerial permit, of which he has only issued two.

Church founder Rev. Majed El Shafie said the family of seven have been hiding from extremists in Pakistan for about three years.

Baby Neeha, at the age of 2 1/2, was raped by the son of her father's employer and left to die by the roadside, he said. No one was arrested for the crime.

"These horrific events took place because her father, who was Christian, refused to give in to pressure from his Muslim employer to convert to Islam," El Shafie said....
Read the rest HERE.

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posted by Always On Watch @ 1/02/2010 08:18:00 AM  
